Pre School Room

In this room, we prepare children for school readiness and this means that it is more structured for children who will embark on lifelong learning by moving to School. Here we focus on structured learning programmes that enhance their critical thinking by providing activities that are not only based on their interest but also introduce new curricula such as the life-cycle of the chicks, and butterfly. They will learn about planting seeds, potatoes and plants and Practitioners will carefully plan the environment to create these experiences. 

Children will have made friends and they will socialise and play together using construction toys and train tracks while negotiating, sharing, learning about turn taking and helping each other. Children have access to the resources which they can choose independently or with the help of a friend. Our role play area is creative and changes according to their learning experiences. We encourage Home learning whereby by children are given home learning bags which consist of different learning materials. All areas of development are encouraged through a variety of activities including healthy eating and dental programmes. Children’s interest in sports is also developing at this age and we have signed up to Super Star Sport which delivers weekly Football and other physical activities.  

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